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We are delighted to be able to provide a fifth series of free and charged webinars on all matters Social Media, video and content creation once again.

These are once again being offered by PR and Social Media expert Rhea Freeman.
The first (A) in each pair is free to BETA members and the second (B) is charged for.  Each session starts at 9.30 and runs for around 2 hours.

The  free topics being covered are ideal for those starting out as well as those with some experience and wanting to build further on past sessions.  All however are new presentations.  The paid for sessions cover advanced social media techniques as well as adding some non-digital based sessions and broader marketing topics.

You can pick and choose as you wish, doing the free courses only, both or some or all of the paid for sessions. There are discounts for booking onto more than one course at a time for the paid for options.


To find out more and book click here 

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