THE CHERTSEY SHOW. . . a great day out for all the family….
The only remaining traditional Agricultural Show within the M25!! The Chertsey Show is a fantastic trip out for the whole family with arena events all day, Educational/Demonstration of countryside skill, a whole range of different farm and domestic animals, horticultural and floral tents, traditional crafts and many stalls to browse. And that’s not all! Attached to the main show is the Chertsey Horse Show and companion Dog Show, both with their own rings holding competitions and displays all day.
Why not join in?
Don’t just come and watch. The show is open to amateurs and professionals alike. There are over 200 different classes of competition judged over the two days of the show: everything from homemade wine to homegrown potatoes, artwork and photographs to household pets and pot plants. Just take the time to browse through the various ‘sections’ on this website and you’ll be bound to find something for you to enter.
And children go free!!
The purpose of the Chertsey Agricultural Association is to raise awareness of farming and growing. The show is great fun with lots of animals to look at and rides to enjoy. At the same time, it is a great education for children who perhaps spend more time inside on the computer than outside on the farm. With this in mind, the Agricultural Association allow children 14 and under to visit the show free of charge.
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