Technology evolves and advances at a lightning pace.
Whatever your business, the key to success is not only the quality and price of your products, but also your effectiveness at showcasing them.
Over the years, trade fairs, media advertising and exhibitions have been three traditional ways of demonstrating the value, charm and attraction of your goods.
Since the arrival of Covid-19, and subsequent lockdowns, companies have been forced to look elsewhere for methods of displaying their products and services.
And since March 2020, the power of virtual exhibitions has certainly become more noticeable. Here are four reasons why all business owners should take virtual exhibitions seriously:
Access to a global audience
By taking part in a virtual show, you can showcase your products and services to existing and potentially new clients in different countries. Virtual exhibitions will give you a global profile.
Potential clients will not need to waste petrol travelling by car, or precious time sitting on a train or even a plane, to reach one of these venues. They can do so by simply sitting comfortably in their own home or office. They can click into these events anytime they want – three in the morning, perhaps – or whatever time suits them. And they may not even have to book a slot or apply for a ticket.
Virtual exhibitions are cost-effective
Physical events have huge associated costs and most growing businesses will certainly be hit hard. It is estimated that businesses purchasing a stand at a physical event will need to spend between £35k-50k. This will cover the price of renting a slot at an exhibition, plus the cost of having their platform professionally designed. Compare this to a virtual exhibition where the overall cost will be somewhere in the region of £3k-9k. And virtual exhibitions will also be available online for a lot longer than physical ones, because venues may need to be dismantled after 48 hours.
Track your visitors
One feature of virtual events is that you can collect data more easily from your audience. This will enable you to track how many people visit your booth, and which products receive most attention.
With virtual exhibitions, you can track everyone who clicks into your space. This will tell you about their behavioural patterns, time logged-on, as well as their preferences. You can ask questions and collect even more relevant data which will assist you in your future marketing strategies.
Less stressful
The ease with which people attend virtual exhibitions is obvious. The virtual world just requires a participant to tap on their phone, wherever they are on this planet. You will attract a diverse global audience, offering opportunities and collaborations which would not be possible with a typical in-person trade fair.
Most virtual platforms remain online for up to 90 days, and sometimes even 12 months. It is a long-lasting experience for all concerned: Not only for those showcasing their goods and services, but also those attending as potential clients and customers.
Virtual technologies are improving day-by-day to make the experience better for all. If your brand has no virtual presence, you are losing a major chunk of your potential audience. So don’t hesitate any longer, check out what virtual exhibitions can do for you.
This post was written by Katie Bateman, VirtualExpo247